5 Great Valentine's Day Picture Books

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to celebrate love. If you are a kid, that love is expressed in the form of heart-shaped candies and chocolate. This may be with a bouquet of flowers or a nice home-made meal if you are a little older. 

The following books do a great job of showcasing different forms of love and how Valentine's Day can be celebrated.

1. Elmore written & illustrated by Holly Hobbie

Elmore is a solitary porcupine but wants to find a friend. The other animals in the forest were scared of his quills. But they didn't know that the L in his name stood for 'Love.' Then Elmore had a great idea about how he could use his quills for good.

2. Love by Matt De La Pena, Illustrated by Loren Long 

This book is a love story that doesn't focus on a couple falling for each other. This is a book that celebrates a variety of everyday loves. This could be between a parent and child or even the love that one can find inside themselves. Loren Long's illustrations are gorgeous. 

3. Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink, written & illustrated by Diane de Groat

This is the kind of book that reminds you of those days in elementary school when you had to fill out a Valentine's Day card for everyone in your class, even if you didn't like someone. Gilbert decided that there were two people that he didn't really like too much and wrote mean poems on their Valentine's Day card. But then the worst thing happens...he gets caught! How will he react when his classmates start to turn on him?


4. Bagel in Love written by Natasha Wing, illustrated by Helen Dardik

Bagel love dancing more than anything. Now he is looking for a Cherry Jubilee Dance Contest dance partner but isn't having any luck. But Bagel won't give up. And neither do the food puns in this sweet (see what I did there?) story.

5. Hedgehug: A Sharp Lesson in Love by Benn Sutton, illustrated by Dan Pinto

Hedgehug is so excited for Valentine's Day because he knows that it is the day that he's going to give his heart and fall in love. But every person that he gives a hug, Hedgehug, ends up poking them with his spikes. Will this poky little guy ever find love?

Do you have any Valentine's books that you love that should get added to this list?


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